Beautiful pics of Shawn Johnson and Sheryl Crow feet & legs

With three Olympic medals, including one gold, three World Championships gold medals, and seven Pan Am medals, five of them gold, Johnson is among the top gymnasts in US the history of gymnastics. Shawn Johnson is co-founder and chief executive officer of SMJ Inc. a multimedia firm. She has written 3 books, one being one of them a New York Times Bestseller. FamilyMade Media, an online media platform that brings families together wherever they are to celebrate their life and adventures. Get our podcasts! We're excited to bring you exciting new shows that we know you will be awed by. Sheryl's debut 1993 album Tuesday Night Music Club was a huge success. She continued to receive awards for subsequent albums such as Sheryl Crow and The Globe Sessions. Crow's album for 2019 Threads is her final one. She has received 9 Grammy Awards.

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